Embrace Mindfulness To Scale Up Your Health

Embrace Mindfulness To Scale Up Your Health

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness with our 7 Pillars of Mindfulness, designed to enhance your overall well-being and unlock abundant health.

Every time I have had a health issue in my life, I always went back to my 7 Pillars of Wellness, for even though we are all identically different, if you look at these seven areas of our life and get them in order, your life will flow and abundant health will follow.

Mindfulness - A Pillar of Transformation

One pillar in particular over the last seven years has transformed my life. So much so that my husband and I are doing a PhD in Neuroscience because we have incorporated these new cutting-edge mindfulness techniques to scale up our lives and help transform our client's lives.

After walking out my many healings over the years from eating disorders, domestic violence, infertility, and cancer, I know the vast benefits of mindfulness.

There are so many critical components of mindfulness that I have now developed a separate healing protocol for this pillar. I introduced this protocol at my latest Wellness Retreats, and only this month have I fine-tuned them based on my research and client feedback.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, we cannot escape the fact that we all mind, body and spirit. Getting these three parts in flow is the key to true wellness.

The Seven Pillars of Mindfulness

I'm very excited to share our revised 7 Pillars of Mindfulness:

  1. Self Love (your connection with you)
  2. Spirituality (your connection with your higher self and God / The Universe)
  3. Relationships (your connection with others)
  4. Nature (your connection with your environment & your home)
  5. Trauma (your connection with your past)
  6. Vitality (your connection with your personal powder)
  7. Prosperity (your connection with money / your money blueprint)


Begin With The Seven Pillars of Wellness

By starting with our 7 Pillars of Wellness (take our Free Wellness Quiz if you have not already), you can look at your health holistically to see what areas in your life need attention.

Half of our clients quickly get all seven pillars in place, their symptoms clear, and they feel a shift into abundant health in only a few months. This is because we specialise in functional medicine, and often, many of our clients do all the right things, just like when Elle Macpherson came to see me over ten years ago, but their 11 systems are not functioning well.

Add to this, like Elle, they are taking synthetic supplements that don't work, leaving them depleted and feeling mentally and physically out of sorts. By helping our clients balance these seven pillars, they shift into optimum health.

Why Mindfulness Matters

The other half can get six pillars into place but needs help with the mindfulness pillar. This is due to years of old thinking and habit loops standing in their way of shifting into optimum health.

Often, it is from their subconscious, so it isn't their fault, but they need extra help to renew their mind and bring about a full mind-body reset. That was also like my husband and I. We nailed all six, but the mindfulness pillar we struggled with and why we went on this quest to learn more.

Initially, we mainly offered these protocols in our retreats, but now we have grown our team and offered this mind-body reset online to our clients worldwide.

Mindfulness Through Trauma

We offer our mindfulness package in bundles of 3 sessions, and we also include our energy medicine practitioner, Maria, who originally worked with us as a family to help heal from the trauma of losing our dear friend, Jacqueline, very suddenly two years ago. After treating Dirk, myself and our children, we invited Maria to work with us at Rejuv, and the results have been phenomenal!

The Impact of Mindfulness on Your Immune System

In my blog last week, I discussed the importance of having a robust immune system and gave you my top 10 tips. But did you know that mindfulness also has a positive effect on the immune system and all 11 of your systems?

Overthinking and chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Over my career, I have seen and personally experienced many physical issues clear after the mental and emotional trauma was healed. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, prayer, breathing work, neuroscience techniques, energy medicine, etc, have been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which can, in turn, support immune function and overall health.

Often, we stand in the way of healing, and some of us need a little extra help to clear these blockages so the body is free to heal itself.

10 Benefits of Mindfulness

Several studies have demonstrated mindfulness's immune-boosting effects, profoundly affecting your mental and physical wellbeing.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment without judgment and is essential for your health for several reasons.

Here are my top 10 benefits of mindfulness.

1. Reduced inflammation 

Chronic stress and inflammation are closely linked, and inflammation is associated with various health problems, including autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Mindfulness practices have been found to reduce markers of inflammation in the body, thus supporting overall immune health.

2. Enhanced Immune Response

 Mindfulness techniques have been shown to increase the production of antibodies, indicating a stronger immune response. 

This suggests that regular mindfulness practice may help improve the body's ability to fight off infections and heal disease. If you feel your immune system could do with a boost, add it to our Immune Restore Capsules.

3. Improved Immune Function in Cancer Patients

Research has found that mindfulness-based interventions can enhance immune function in cancer patients. These interventions may help mitigate the immunosuppressive effects of stress and improve overall wellbeing during cancer treatment.

4. Better Sleep Quality

Mindfulness practices can improve sleep quality, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Poor sleep has been linked to increased susceptibility to infections, while adequate sleep supports immune function and helps the body recover from illness.

If you struggle with sleep, like I used to, you can also add our Stress and Sleep Support capsules.

5. Stress Reduction 

Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress by promoting relaxation and calming the mind. Chronic stress can contribute to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, weakened immune function, and mental health disorders.

If you feel triggered by stress, see this blog for more tips.

6. Improved Mental Health 

Mindfulness is effective in managing conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By increasing awareness of thoughts and emotions, mindfulness allows individuals to better cope with difficult emotions and negative thought patterns.

7. Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Mindfulness practice can improve emotional regulation by increasing awareness of emotions as they arise. This awareness allows individuals to respond to emotions more skillfully rather than impulsively. You would benefit from our Adrenal Complex Capsules if you feel overwhelmed and tend to react to situations due to high stress levels.

8. Improved Physical Health 

Mindfulness has been linked to various physical health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved immune function, and better sleep quality. These effects contribute to overall wellbeing and may help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

9. Enhanced Relationships

Mindfulness practice can improve interpersonal relationships by fostering empathy, compassion, and nonjudgmental acceptance. By cultivating a greater sense of connection with oneself and others, mindfulness can lead to more satisfying and fulfilling relationships.

10. Better Focus & Concentration

Regular mindfulness practice can enhance attention and cognitive function. By training the mind to focus on the present moment, mindfulness reduces mind-wandering and improves concentration, which can benefit various aspects of life, including work and relationships.

If you struggle with focus and mental clarity, you can try our Brain Support Capsules, which have been a game changer for me and even a half does for my teenagers with their school work.


Reset Your Mind-Body Connection

Overall, incorporating mindfulness into daily life can profoundly affect mental and physical health. It promotes greater wellbeing and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Life has seasons, just like nature, but the key is to get equipped so you can handle all seasons and not lose your health, peace, or joy in the process. 

If you want to reset your mind-body connection, clear limiting beliefs, and embrace mindfulness in your life, contact us via our website or social media.

We would love to help.