healing code

Find Your Healing Code

It’s a quest that drives health professionals and individuals afflicted by health challenges and diseases around the globe. For the last two decades, I have helped clients like you find their bespoke weight loss and wellness healing code. It boils down to three steps and eight habits to implement.

We are all identically different. We have the same anatomy and physiology, but the 11 systems operate uniquely due to our metabolic code. By age 16, your fat cells are laid down for your life. 

This is why I’m so passionate about childhood nutrition. Especially since I was an obese kid and nobody worked out why I was obese, my brother and sister were super skinny. 

We all ate the same diet, but I was obese, and they weren’t.  I was, in fact, hypoglycaemic, and no one realised. My dad was diabetic, but no one ever put the two together. That is why I wanted to study naturopathy and nutrition to understand how I could heal and help others. 

This is also why I’m passionate about metabolic health and how you can heal your metabolic code and reset your metabolism to get free of weight struggles and eating disorders. 

I created the Rejuv Wellness Profile and quiz as a free resource to help as many people as possible. Why? Because I was trapped in an obese body where nothing I did made any difference. I had food addictions and cravings and moved through endless binge/starve cycles of misery. 

So how do you reset your metabolism? You need to look at your health holistically with our 7 Pillars of Wellness. All seven need to be in flow, but we have 3 top pillars that need love and attention to walk out our healing. So how do you find your custom metabolic healing code? 

3 Steps To Find Your Healing Code

Here are the three steps I recommend to anyone who wants to find their bespoke weight-loss and wellness healing code. These steps unlock your freedom to live free and shift into the best version of yourself. 

  1. Take our Free Wellness Quiz to identify your top 3 areas to work on
  2. Complete our Naturopathic Home Urine Test for your bespoke recommendation of organic, whole-food supplements you need for your long-term wellbeing
  3. Gift yourself 30 minutes to audit your health, review these three pillars, and set goals to improve their balance and flow. To focus on 3 of the seven pillars is very manageable; once you conquer these, you can retake the Free Quiz to see your progress and tackle the next three pillars. 

8 Practical Habits To Support Your Metabolism 

Next, build practical habits to support your metabolism and wellness journey. The following eight habits are the foundational ones I guide my clients through in our coaching sessions.

  1. Drink 2 litres of wellness water per day. I find this to be key, and I have my clients make up 2 litres of water with lemon, ginger, cinnamon, and fresh mint leaves each day, which hydrates at a cellular level, balances your blood sugar levels and acts as a natural electrolyte to reduce cravings and appetite. See the Rejuv Wellness Water Recipe to make your own.
    • To limit dehydration, stick to one coffee per day, and  if you choose alcohol either have one glass of wine then one glass of water or opt for a hydrating drink that is very low GI which is better for your metabolism like my Mojito (or Sim-Jito as my client Jayne calls it)
  2. Reduce inflammation. It’s not about calorie counting but the optimum fuel mix of protein, fats and carb ratios. So eat more plants and less animal protein, and choose wild fish or organic chicken if you eat meat, reducing red meat. Eat more green veggies and good fats like olives, avocado and seeds.
  3. Support gut health by increasing foods high in fibre to support your gut microbiome. Such foods include vegetables, salads, chia and flaxseeds, psyllium, sauerkraut and organic kefir.
  4. Be mindful and balance your stress by embracing a morning ritual for 10-15 minutes each morning. Breathing techniques, affirmations, prayer, gratitude and meditation, will calm your nervous system, reducing the amount of time you spend in fight or flight and allow the body to trust you that it is safe to minimise fat and that you don’t need this protective layer for you’re in danger.
    • If you feel that you have an issue with this, adding adaptogenic herbs would help reduce the effect of stress on your metabolism. I recommend adding two Rejuv Adrenal Complex Capsules before breakfast or lunch – it will be a tremendous help!
  5. Chew your food by chewing each mouthful 20+ times will support gut function and encourage a good gut-brain axis relationship, so you don’t overeat. It takes 20 minutes for your gut and brain to connect. This is why finishing your meal in less than 20 minutes increases the likelihood of overeating. 
  6. Increase thermogenic and bitter foods and herbs. This was a Godsend for me, for I finally could introduce food that would turn my appetite down and balance my blood sugar levels. Such food includes chill, cayenne, ginger, garlic, cloves, lemon, bitter melon and green tea.
    • I found it hard to ingest the volume needed to reset my metabolism, so I created the Rejuv Metabolic Reset Pack to fast-track this process. This pack also has a complimentary wellness plan to support your 7 Wellness Pillars. 
  7. Move your body and add core and HIIT training. These intense bursts help reset your metabolism. Choose the mode of exercise that works for you – at the moment, I love mountain biking for my HIIT side and yoga and pilates for my core and stretching, 
  8. Get good restorative sleep, for if you don’t rest and detox from the day you just had, your cortisol levels will be too high, making it particularly hard to shift belly fat. Sleep before midnight is worth twice as much as sleep after midnight, so try to get in bed no later than 11 pm. Try a sleep app/meditation, Epsom salt baths, our Bedtime Capsules, or the WelleCo Sleep Welle Tea to create a deep sleep routine.

If You Are Still Struggling To Find Your Healing Code

As I said, we are all identically different, and maybe you are doing all of the above, and you are still struggling. If that is the case, I’m here to help you one-on-one. 

Many clients come to see me only two or three times, and their metabolisms are all reset. This is due to my personalised approach to walking the journey with them, coaching and training every step of the way.

I am committed to every online or face-to-face client and always give everything you need to continue your wellness journey. Every client completes regular urine tests to ensure the supplements and dosages support their health goals. 

It’s a simple, easy and pain-free approach to helping you reach your goals based on good clean science and my 25 years of experience.