Seasonal Cleanse Benefits

Seasonal Cleanse Benefits

The seasonal cleanse benefits are many, both physically and mentally. The Gut-Brain Axis will particularly benefit, which is why you feel more energised and happy after a detox. I’ve had thousands of clients benefit from doing a seasonal cleanse. Clients like Millie Mackintosh, who needed help to cleanse her system and reset her Gut-brain axis tell us about the profound effect it has had on her mental and physical health.

Most things in life, except for organic vegetables, cause this axis to become impaired, affecting your overall health. Pollutants, chemicals and hormones in our air, water, food, homes, hygiene products etc, expose us to an alarming amount of toxins daily. 

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the federal law regulating hygiene products and make-up hasn’t changed since 1938.  

The FDA doesn’t test the ingredients of these products for efficacy or safety. Only coloured additives require the agency’s approval. The agency can’t issue recalls on cosmetics or hygiene products either, which is a scary fact.

The average woman uses 12 such products daily, exposing her to 168 chemicals daily

According to the EWG, one of every 13 women is exposed to a known or suspected carcinogen every day, while one out of every 23 men is. Taken together, that’s 12.2 million adults. 

It, therefore, stands to reason why it is vital to do a seasonal cleanse at least once a year. 

11 Seasonal Cleanse Benefits

The detox or seasonal cleanse benefits include:

  • Improved energy & vitality
  • Reduced free radical damage to help prevent disease & ageing
  • Enhanced immunity 
  • Improved gut health & better digestive function
  • Better clarity and mental performance 
  • Improved hair, skin & nails
  • Reduced body fat
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced cravings and blood sugar imbalances
  • Improved mood
  • More balanced hormones & fertility

Healing your gut is essential to your mental and physical health because the labyrinth of around 100 million neurons in our gut is so vast that some scientists have nicknamed it our “2nd brain”.

This abundance of neurons is called the enteric nervous system and has more neurons than our peripheral nervous system and produces more serotonin (our happy hormone) than our actual brain. The gut-brain connection is key in sustaining good health and limiting disease.

We have 2 Rejuv packs supporting a seasonal cleanse and your Gut-Brain health.