immune boosting soup

Metabolism & Immune-Boosting Soup

One of the easiest and best ways to embrace healthy habits to feel stronger mentally and physically is by starting with a gentle cleanse to put your metabolism back on track & keep your immune system supported. My immune-boosting soup will help you along the way!

I love soup all year round, and I have them cool and warm as snacks or meals, for they are packed full of vitamins, minerals, fibre, healthy fats and protein.

I treasure soup for dinner because it is easy on your gut as it is pre-digested in a liquid form, bombarding your body with goodness, therefore, helping you wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings.

Cleansing soups can be fantastic to help stimulate and promote weight loss through multiple pathways, as they improve liver and gallbladder function, reduce inflammation, support gut health and help shift goodness into its cells and toxins out. This can reduce body fat and strengthen your metabolism and immune system …so it’s a win-win!

This Immune-Boosting Soup is a straightforward recipe to help you start fresh. Nothing could be more comforting than a big pot of healthy, whole foods bursting with nutrition that help balance your system and stimulate your natural detoxification, boosting your metabolism and immune system. 

You can always add some beans, lentils, organic chicken or bone broth to this, but I love the simplicity of this recipe, and I tend to eat my protein at lunch, opting for a lighter dinner, but it is up to you. 

I have another Immune Boosting soup recipe here that you may also enjoy.

We have learned the benefits of having a strong immune system since health is “the new wealth”. 

Instead of crash dieting, why not quit one unhealthy habit each week for the next three weeks and pick one healthy habit to help move you towards your goals? 

I love to do this four times a year to check in with myself, where I am slipping etc. I also revisited my Rejuv Wellness Quiz, which showed that my top 3 pillars that need some love are: Sleep, Body Balance & Mindfulness. 

So I’ve set the alarm to help me go to bed earlier and booked a massage and facial to improve my body balance and self-care. I have also reinforced my morning ritual of mindfulness and prayer instead of jumping on emails and not taking time to connect with myself each day.  

If you struggle with your immune system or have long-C0V-ID then you will also benefit from our Immune Restore Pack. If your metabolism feels sluggish and you’re eating clean but feel stuck, maybe your metabolism needs a reset – try our Metabolic Reset Pack. Both packs have complete wellness plans to support your Seven Pillars of Wellness.

The Rejuv Wellness Quiz will help make this process bespoke to you, or over the next three weeks, you can choose three habits to start and three to stop in your life. 

Maybe you should stop drinking wine and start drinking 2-3L of my Rejuv Wellness Water daily. Stop negative self-talk and swap for gratitude. Have fewer heavy meals for dinner and exchange for a healthy soup. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just three simple things to add and remove to improve your health. 

Metabolism & Immune-Boosting Soup Ingredients

  • One medium-sized butternut squash (peeled and chopped into large chunks)
  • 2 cups of cabbage
  • 3 carrots (peeled and chopped into large pieces)
  • I medium-sized leek (sliced)
  • 1 small courgette 
  • 1 onion (sliced)
  • 3 sticks of celery (sliced)
  • 1 litre vegetable stock (heated)
  • 2 cups of fresh spinach
  • 3 pinches of Cayenne pepper, 1 thumb of ginger & 3 cloves of garlic (add these to taste & I love them all, so I always add extra for they are great for your metabolism & immune system.
  • Add a few sprigs of thyme
  • 2 tbsp olive or avocado oil
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • Salt & Pepper 

Optional Additions

When we serve this soup at our retreats, we vary it from day to day by adding the following ingredients:

  • raw garlic
  • raw ginger
  • cayenne pepper
  • sea salt
  • pepper
  • sauerkraut
  • parsley


To make the Metabolism & Immune-Boosting Soup, follow these steps… In a casserole dish or large pan, and over med heat, sweat the celery, leek and onion in the oil until soft and translucent. Stir in the thyme leaves, garlic, ginger and turmeric powder.

Add the chopped butternut squash, cabbage and carrot and pour in the hot veggie stock. Simmer until the root veggies are tender, and just before serving, drop in the spinach and courgette. Add sea or salt, black pepper & cayenne pepper to taste.

You may like to garnish with a tbsp of natural coconut yoghurt, a drizzle of extra virgin oil or nut oil and a pinch of cayenne pepper or fresh chill and enjoy!

I trust you love this soup recipe, and as mentioned, take our Free Wellness Quiz, to asses your wellness and what needs to be tweaked. It’ll help you identify bad habits to stop and which habits you need that will move you closer to the best version of yourself – because you deserve to live a life you love!