
Rejuv Wellness exists to support you on your wellness journey and provide you with the tools you need to shift into vibrant health.

Results-driven, evidence-based, holistic treatments, protocols, retreats and whole food supplements to bring about balance both mind and body. Our specialist practitioners work as a team to restore a healthier you so you can live the life you love. Committed to finding the root cause and set you free from the debilitating cycle of inflammation, obesity, pain and disease.

You will receive the specific bespoke tools you need for your wellness healing formula through protocols, treatments, nutrition, supplementation and sleep support to balance all of your 7 Pillars of Wellness. Global, online and in person.

We will educate and inspire you so that you may reach your wellness goals, as you take charge of your life and become all that you were designed to be.

As a Rejuv client, you are contributing to our Global Vision to reach well beyond our immediate communities through our global charity work and through our Rejuv Orphanage in India.

Meet Our Founders

  • Dr Simone Laubscher, PhD Rejuv Wellness & WelleCo. Supplements Formulator


    Co-Founder, Functional Nutritionist & Naturopath

    Dr Simone Laubscher, PhD and Masters in Nutrition and Naturopathy. Co-founder of Rejuv Wellness, Formulator of the Rejuv Wellness & WelleCo Supplements. Functional Nutritionist, Naturopath, Wellness & Longevity Expert, with 25 years of experience. Not a Medical Doctor - Has never given medical advice & never will.

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    Co-Founder & Head Of Physiotherapy

    Dirk Laubscher is the Managing Director of Rejuv UAE and qualified as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist over 20 years ago. He is a well respected Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and a leader in his field.

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