seven pillars of wellness

The 7 Pillars Of Wellness

The 7 Pillars of Wellness is my framework for moving you into full wellness and wellbeing. 

There are seven pillars of wellness, and these pillars are crucial for you to have a healthy immune system. The seven pillars are:  

  1. Sleep  
  2. Movement 
  3. Environment 
  4. Nutrition 
  5. Mindfulness 
  6. Body Balance 
  7. Supplementation


The seven pillars need to be reviewed from a holistic perspective to remove your toxic load, rebuild your health and move you into restored health and wellness. We call this the Rejuv Triple R Principle. It is the first thing we do with any client when they come to see me or one of our consultants. 

    • REMOVE the physical, emotional & environmental toxins that are making you unwell.
    • REBUILD at a cellular level, so all your organs, muscles, bones and 11 body systems function harmoniously, allowing you to move into wellness and reach your goals.
    • RESTORE the foundations of your health so you move into optimum long-term wellness.

This framework is a great tool for reviewing your health and we've developed a self-help quiz that anyone can complete online. 


We have developed a quiz that lets you assess your wellness based on this framework. The quiz only takes 3-5 minutes, and you get your personalised Wellness Profile as a result. 

Your Wellness Profile identifies your top three pillars that need your attention in order to significantly improve your health and wellness. Take the quiz to get your tailored recommendations. Keep reading to get insights for all seven pillars.

The seven pillars need to be reviewed from a holistic perspective so you can:

    • REMOVE the physical, emotional & environmental toxins that are making you unwell.
    • REBUILD at a cellular level, so all your organs, muscles, bones and 11 body systems function harmoniously, allowing you to move into wellness and reach your goals.
    • RESTORE the foundations of your health so you move into optimum long-term wellness.


    Our immune systems are our main defence against harmful pathogens in our environment. Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens, which include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, worms and viruses. Our immune systems play an influential role in regulating the inflammatory responses that help our body heal damaged tissues and fight disease. Like all of the 11 systems of the body, the immune system works at optimum when in balance.

    Sleep – The 1st of the Seven Pillars of Wellness

    Poor quality or a limited amount of sleep regularly is linked to poor immune function. Having a short season over a few weeks of reduced rest due to work and life demands will not be a problem if you have a healthy immune system. However, poor quality and a limited amount of sleep over months and years are something you need to address proactively to support this wellness pillar. [ READ MORE ]

    Movement – The 2nd Pillar of Wellness

    Regular movement and exercise are great for your heart and your immune system. Balance is the key as too little and too much exercise due to free radical damage, can reduce your immune system.

    Exercise support of your immune system refers to both the systemic (whole-body cellular response) and mucosal (mucous lining of the respiratory tract) response to an infectious agent, which follows a bell curve, with optimum being in the middle. [ READ MORE ]

    Environment – The 3rd Pillar of Wellness

    As our 3rd of the Seven Pillars of Wellness, we always walk a patient through the subtle ways our environments make us more toxic. Most know of the big players, but many are unaware of the small daily rituals that increase our overall toxic load, leading to inflammation and disease.

    This pillar is more important than ever with the current pandemic. The air we breathe, the water we drink, our hygiene, the quality of our food, wifi & EMK exposure chemicals we may be putting on our skin due to non-organic skincare. All such toxins have a considerable impact on our immune systems. [ READ MORE ]

    Nutrition – The 4th Pillar of Wellness

    Now more than ever, in our current environment, it is vital to use food as medicine to support all of our 11 Body Systems, including our immune system. Our bodies need whole-food nutrition now more than ever, clean water married in with herbs, spices & herbal teas. [ NUTRITION - Food as Medicine ]

    Mindfulness – The 5th Pillar of Wellness

    Fear and stress tend to shut the immune system down, and the body goes into fight or flight, thinking that real physical danger is in front of you. This is why the 5th of the Seven Pillars of Wellness is Mindfulness. 

    This primal reaction is terrific if you have a tiger in front of you but not great if it’s emotional stress like most are experiencing. [ Embrace Mindfulness ]

    We have discovered that mindfulness has its own subset of seven pillars. These need to be in balance if we are to live with joy, peace & contentment.

    The Seven Pillars of Mindfulness are:

    • Self-Love
    • Spirituality
    • Relationships
    • Nature
    • Trauma
    • Vitality
    • Prosperity

    I’ll unpack all of these in another blog post in the future.

    Body Balance – The 6th of the Seven Pillars of Wellness

    Our skeletal and muscular systems are pivotal to our health. Like the scaffolding of a house, they need to be built on rock and not sand to weather the storms of life. Your posture and skeletal systems also have to be in order to allow enough space for your organs to work effectively, thus supporting your overall health and immune system.

    Supplementation – The 7th of the Seven Pillars of Wellness

    Overfarming has decreased the nutritional value of the food we eat. Historically farms and farmlands would have more space, and the soil would be given a rest every six or seven years, crops would alternate, and the ground would have time to rest and increase the nutritional value it could add to the particular crop.  Supplementation gives you the nutritional support you might be missing.

    Rejuv Nutrition was also our response to an increasingly synthetic supplement industry as all our supplements are wholefood based, including The Super Elixir. I’ve written a separate blog post that lists whole-food supplements you need to support your immune system and how you can buy and balance them yourself or buy them in supplements ready to go.

    Free Wellness Quiz to Reveal Your Wellness Profile

    How would you rate your health on each one of the pillars today? Is it better or worse than six months ago?












    • An over-active immune system could cause a flare-up of imbalances such as Hashimoto’sRheumatoid arthritisType 1 diabetesLupussinusitis, allergies, food sensitivities and Inflammatory bowel disease.
    • An under-active immune system may cause certain diseases to manifest, such as cancer, shingles, hepatitis, tuberculosis & HIV and/or the body can come under attack from a virus and find it very hard to recover.
    • This published paper by Parkin & Cohen in Lancet in 2001 conveys an overview of the immune system and how a suppressed immune system can lead to the above-mentioned diseases and imbalances.