Dr Simone and Dirk are both great advocates for the Therasage line of products.
We’ve partnered with Rob & Melody Besner to give you the best Therasage deals – use the discount code REJUV for any purchase from their website, and you will get a 10% discount.
We recommend all Therasage products, and the products below in particular:

TheraPro - PEMF Infrared Red Light Pad
Therasage has released the latest addition to its Healing Pad series the “THERAPRO” that we have been recommending to our clients, including Millie Mackintosh with great results!
PEMF Benefits Include:This PEMF mat is great for boosting your immune system, supporting deep healing sleep, for energy levels to boost your mitochondria and many more benefits as per below.
- Dr Simone Laubscher, PhD
- Enhances the body’s natural overall recovery process
- Improves and corrects cellular dysfunction throughout the body: cellular health, communication, and function
- Stimulates and exercises cells to recharge cells for efficient cell function and regeneration
- Produces more energy naturally
- Improves athletic performance and recovery
- Reduces overall inflammation, pain, and swelling
- Assists in accelerated injury recovery
- Supports detoxification and lymphatic drainage
- Work to accelerate, heal, and restore damaged tissue while reducing muscle tension
- Stimulates the immune system
- Helps reduce muscle & joint aches
- Promotes circulation & improved blood oxygen level
- Improves digestion, promotes gut healing, and nutrient uptake and absorption
- Improves sleep/insomnia and alters disruptive sleep patterns to optimize all 4 necessary stages of sleep
- Stimulates relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety

Portable InfraRed Sauna Thera360 PLUS
The Thera360TM Portable InfraRed Sauna features patented TheraFusionTM InfraRed Technology and has effectively transformed personal health products.
I use and have been recommending the full Therasage line for over seven years. The technology is second to none, and I have had profound healing with my health and the health and wellness journeys of many of my patients.
Dr Simone Laubscher, PhD

TheraO3 Bubbler
The Thera O3 Ozone Module allows you to add ozone therapy to FiR sauna conveniently. Oxygen treatment can quickly improve the function of the immune system. This unique device can be used to sanitize your food sources by simply bubbling the low Gamma O3 into your kitchen sink filled with tap water. Within minutes your tap water transforms into a sanitation station and can sterilize and disinfect all forms of unhealthy foreign bacteria, viruses, parasites the like.

TheraH2O Water Purification Pitcher
The TheraH2O water purification pitcher filters and ionises tap water, transforming it into healthy, energetically vitalized, purified, structured water. The water pitcher features an exclusive cartridge to provide approximately 400 gallons of pure energised water per cartridge or 12 weeks of everyday use (mere pennies per gallon).
Imagine, Therasage has again raised the bar on health and wellness products by incorporating the healing frequencies of InfraRed in a new water purification system.

MF Harmoni Pendant
The stainless steel EMF Harmoni Pendant works like a personal Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) protection device that restores balance and harmony to the body. Every cell in your body is surrounded by electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). These originate from your cell phone, computer, home appliances, and car. EMFs can cause fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, sleep problems, and other conditions by disrupting your body’s energetic field.