Elle and her Nutritionist, Dr Simoné Laubscher, who formulated The Super Elixir discusses the Elle Macpherson Alkaline Diet and her five easy steps to stay alkaline. (Image courtesy of Welleco)

5 Easy Steps To Living Alkaline
(The Elle Macpherson Diet)
The Super Elixir was launched in the UK on the 22nd of May 2013 at Selfridges, London. Since then, we have formulated The Nourishing Protein powders, The Kids Formula and the Sleep Welle Tea. WelleCo products are now in 60 countries around the world.
Taking such a product is essential to turning your body alkaline. I will discuss this more below in the supplement section, but for now, let’s give you a few tips on turning alkaline in addition to taking a groundbreaking formula such as the Super Elixir.
Also, take it easy and be kind to yourself, for this is a lifestyle change. You may get a detox effect which is a great sign, so don’t forget to drink lots of water. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and it is all about balance, after all. The 80:20 rule works well for most, so permit yourself to have a few treats during the 20% of the week.
Balance and not abstinence is the goal, after all! Here is the Elle Macpherson Diet:
The Elle Macpherson Diet
1. Habitual Hydration Impact (The Results of Drinking Water)
In treating thousands of patients over the past 20 years, I have found that around 90 per cent of people are chronically dehydrated, which has a massive impact on their quality of life. Drinking water can feel dull; at the beginning, you may need to pee a lot until your bladder’s tone improves.
Most people give up after the first week, for they presume this is now their lives will be with so many trips to the bathroom, but this will subside! So like creating all new habits, stick with it for three weeks, your bladder will get stronger, and you will also develop a thirst again, making it easy to maintain this great habit.
Getting adequately hydrated will make a massive difference to your health, energy, vitality and immunity. Everything is influenced by the quantity and quality of the water you drink.
A great way to fast-track your hydration is to hold water in your mouth for 30-60 seconds before you swallow.
Hydration Action Steps
- Drink 8 cups or 2-3 litre of water each day (Elle drinks 3L water per day)
- Drink detox water (first thing in the morning if possible). This gives a tremendous alkalising effect, significant for your endocrine and immune systems, to reduce cravings & boost metabolism!
- Water helps cleanse the digestive system, ignite your metabolism and buffer excess acids. Despite the lemons being acidic in their natural form, lemon water is alkaline-forming to the body once consumed
- Enjoy organic herbal teas such as Rooibos, peppermint, Buchu and nettle
2. Alkaline vs Acidic Foods
The alkaline diet is all about alkaline foods. There is conflicting information on the Internet about which foods are alkaline and which are acid-forming. This simple rule covers 90 per cent of foods: Generally, anything plant-based will be alkalising.
Alkaline foods are those you already know are good for you: fresh vegetables, salads, leafy greens, low-sugar fruits, nuts, seeds and healthy oils such as olive, flaxseed and coconut oils, unrefined, organic, high-water-content foods.
And acidic foods are those you already know are bad for you: refined foods, fast foods, trans-fats, all meats, dairy, sugar, caffeine, white bread, white pasta and rice, condiments, alcohol, chocolate, chips, ice cream and pizza.
Aim for a ratio of 80/20: Consume 80 per cent alkaline foods to 20 per cent acidic foods, as mentioned before.
3. Physical Reactions to Stress in Your Body
When you get stressed, your body reacts physically. Your heart rate goes up, adrenaline, stress hormones & cortisol are released, and your arteries constrict when you face physical danger and you get cut, thus preventing you from bleeding to death. Therefore getting stressed is not some emotional response with no other effect on your body. The physical reactions cause everything to shut down, especially blood flow, to be restricted. As a result, less goodness can get to your cells & fewer toxins can be removed. Also, cortisol acts like a fat magnet, so you are more acidic and more likely to gain weight, which is not a great combination.
So breathe as below, shake off your worries, exercise, laugh, spend time with people you love & who build you up, see a therapist if you need to and look at some herbs such as St John’s Wort if you are prone to depression.
4. Oxygenation Removes Acids
Doing a simple breathing exercise once or twice daily gives your body a huge helping hand in removing these acids. Plus, it allows you to stop, focus your mind, visualise and relax, which is also nicely alkalising.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and follow this simple breathing pattern:
- Breathe in for the count of 2
- Hold for a count of 8
- Breathe out for a count of 4
- Repeat ten times
Also, get some high O2 producing plants in your home, such as peace lilies, especially where you sleep.
Laughing is one of the best ways to oxygenate your body too.
5. Alkaline Supplements Are a Vital Ingredient in the Elle Macpherson Diet
This is one of the most overwhelming and confusing parts of the alkaline diet for most beginners. There are so many supplements out there, all promising different things and all claiming they are better than the others.
After spending three years on finding a lab that would produce whole food and organic supplements for my line of supplements and after working on the Super Elixir for the past few years, I feel we have created the ultimate supplements to support the above lifestyle changes to allow you to like in an alkaline state.
The Super Elixir, A Specialised Super Greens Powder

This is a combination of powdered grasses, fruits, vegetables and sprouts with a focus on wheatgrass and barley grass in addition to herbs to support detox capacity, liver and kidney function, hair, skin & nails, pre & probiotics for immune support, the shitake mushroom family for immune & stress support, all vitamins, minerals & antioxidants required daily, L-Glutamine for digestive function, flaxseeds for omega three and also for digestive function and so much more.
You can purchase all the Welleco products from our shop here on the website (all formulated by Dr Simoné, Elle Macpherson’s Nutritionist).
Happy Alkalising!!