Why the Full Moon Impacts Sleep and Gut Health: Expert Tips for Better Rest and Digestion

Why the Full Moon Impacts Sleep and Gut Health: Expert Tips for Better Rest and Digestion

Full Moon Impact on Sleep and Gut: What to Do

After the summer holidays, many clients have reached out, expressing their struggles with sleep. This issue, often overlooked, may be intricately linked to gut health and involve uninvited guests in your gut microbiome.

The upcoming full moon, a significant celestial event, can also disrupt the gut-sleep connection, significantly impacting your overall health. [ LUNAR CALENDAR

How the Full Moon Impacts Your Gut-Sleep Connection

Several studies have indicated that the full moon may influence sleep. A notable study published in Current Biology in 2013 found that participants experienced poorer sleep quality, took longer to fall asleep, and had reduced deep sleep during the full moon—even when they couldn't see the moon and were unaware of its phase. This suggests an innate biological mechanism at play.

During a full moon, melatonin—the "sleep hormone" regulating our sleep-wake cycle—tends to drop. Research suggests that this dip in melatonin levels leads to less restful sleep and more difficulty falling asleep. Additionally, the rise in serotonin during the full moon creates an ideal environment for parasites to reproduce, further disrupting your gut health.

Since the gut-brain axis deeply connects your gut and sleep, disruptions in sleep patterns can impact your gut health.

Here's how poor sleep during a full moon can affect your gut:

Microbiome Disruption

Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to imbalances in the gut microbiome and reduce the diversity of beneficial bacteria. As a result, you may experience digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and even increased gut permeability (leaky gut).

Increased Stress & Inflammation

Poor sleep elevates cortisol, the stress hormone, which can promote inflammation in the body, including the gut. Chronic inflammation is a significant contributor to conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other digestive issues.

Impact on Digestion & Appetite

Sleep disruption interferes with the production of hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which regulate hunger and satiety. This may lead to overeating or cravings for sugary, processed foods, further disturbing gut health.


How to Improve Sleep and Support Gut Health During a Full Moon

If the full moon is affecting your sleep, here are some effective strategies to improve both your sleep and gut health during this time.


Optimise Your Sleep Environment

  • Use Blackout Curtains: Increased light during a full moon can interfere with melatonin production. Ensure your room is dark by using blackout curtains or an eye mask.
  • Limit Blue Light Exposure: Reduce screen time at least an hour before bed. Similar to natural moonlight, blue light from devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm.
  • Keep a Cool and Quiet Room: A cool, noise-free bedroom promotes deeper, uninterrupted sleep.


Create a Sleep Ritual

  • Relaxing Herbal Teas: Drink herbal teas like chamomile or valerian root to relax your body and prepare your mind for sleep. You can make your own cup of Rejuv Moon Milk with the ingredients in this recipe!
  • Mindfulness and Breathing: Practice mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises before bed to reduce stress and calm your nervous system.
  • Use Essential Oils: Calming essential oils like lavender, cedarwood, or sandalwood can enhance a peaceful sleep environment. Use a diffuser or apply diluted oils to your feet or wrists.


Support Your Gut with Moon-Friendly Foods

  • Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods: Support your gut microbiome with prebiotic foods (bananas, oats, garlic) and probiotics (kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut).
  • Magnesium-Rich Foods: Magnesium is a natural relaxant supporting sleep and gut health. Include magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, and almonds, or consider a supplement before bed.

    Natural Sleep & Gut Aids

    • Sleep Herbs: If the full moon really throws off your sleep schedule, add Sleep support herbs like those in our Stress & Sleep Support capsules to promote deep, healing sleep.
    • Gut Healing Herbs: We all need to do a Gut Cleanse once a year, for this long pipe from your mouth to your bottom has the same surface area as an entire tennis court! So, to keep your Gut Happy, you can opt for our Gut Healing Pack to Remove the harmful bacteria, Rebuild the helpful bacteria, and Restore healing Gut function. You can also look at adding individual Gut Healing Herbs based on your symptoms.
    • Adaptogenic Herbs: Ashwagandha and other adaptogenic herbs, like in our Adrenal Support, can help your body adapt to stress and support more restful sleep during periods of disruption, such as during the full moon.


    Mind Your Gut-Brain Connection

    • Activate Your Vagus Nerve: Stimulate the vagus nerve with deep breathing, cold exposure (like a cool shower), or meditation to improve gut function and sleep quality. A healthy vagus nerve supports digestion and stress resilience.

    Take Control of Gut & Sleep Health During Full Moon

    While the full moon can disrupt sleep and gut health, proactive strategies can help counteract these effects. By optimising your sleep environment, adjusting your diet, and managing stress, you can take control and protect both your gut and sleep health during lunar phases.

    Prioritise these practices to keep your gut microbiome balanced and your sleep restorative, no matter what phase the moon is in.

    Sleep is one of the seven pillars of wellness. For a full review of your seven pillars, including your sleep, complete your free quiz and unlock your personalised Wellness Profile