Beauty Is Only Skin Deep. Start Within For True Beauty & Glowing Skin!
Embracing your true authentic self and nourishing yourself mind, body and soul is the key.
Looking after your health is more important than ever. Finding creative ways to exercise and eat healthy will strengthen your immune system, build disease resistance and help you get that glow from within.
Of course, good organic skincare is great, but what’s in your kitchen can be just as important for soft, smooth, glowing skin as what’s in your vanity.
Your digestive and overall health shows up on your skin. Nourishing your skin from the inside out is integral to a beautiful complexion and glowing skin, and as you might have heard before, it is key to 'Feed your Face’.
5 Tips For Glowing Skin From Deep Within
Topical treatments are important because they treat the superficial layer of the epidermis area of the skin. You must treat the dermis and hypodermis for longer-lasting and more effective results, which is best done internally.
Your skin is the largest organ of the body and is an average size of 2 square meters for an adult, so this mighty organ, like all other organs, needs to be nurtured from the inside.
I have five tips on getting your glow up from under your skin.
1. Reduce Inflammation
Eat more plants and less animals. This doesn't necessarily mean going 100% vegan, but eating more fish and less farm-raised animals.
The number of legs is directly related to cholesterol and inflammation, so start by reducing animals with four legs or more (choosing organic is key).
Eat less dairy, gluten, caffeinated drinks, and sugar. Eat more fruits, salads, vegetables, fish, and good fats like avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil. More olives, nuts, seeds, beans/pulses, brown/wild rice, quinoa, sweet potato, or pumpkin is a great place to start.
Choose more low-GI foods, as this will balance your blood sugar levels and have a wonderful effect on your hormones. If you have skin problems and want that extra glow, take The Skin Elixir Capsules by WelleCo. daily and consider doing a Gut Cleanse.
2. Heal Your Gut & Do A Parasite Cleanse
We all have a degree of parasites candida and fungi, which are only issues when they overgrow and get out of balance. I usually see this as the primary driver of skin issues. This is because the body becomes too damp and inflamed when your good bacteria are too low, and your harmful bacteria are too high.
Completing a Lunar Cycle Parasite Cleanse is the most effective way to have long-lasting results. With two full moons this month of August now is the time to plan for your parasite cleanse.
Our Gut Healing Pack has a full wellness plan to balance your diet and the Seven Pillars of Wellness to heal your gut. A parasite cleanse has long-lasting results on your skin and overall health.
3. Cellular Level Deep Skin Hydration
Hydrate and drink at least 2 litres of water daily to improve your hydration at a cellular level Give your skin the extra glow by blending the ingredients for our Detox and/or Rejuv Wellness Water.
For variation, add a daily green juice. Try a fresh juice made of celery, cucumber, romaine lettuce, green apple, lemon, lime and ginger as a safe place to start. Many of my clients comment that the prep time and washing of the juicer is an obstacle, so add 2 tsp of the Rejuv Super Greens Powder or WelleCo. Super Elixir Greens to make it easy or give you that extra support.
4. Manage Stress
Living under high stress increases inflammation and reduces the body’s ability to heal.
Since your skin is less essential to life than your heart or brain, the body will reduce blood flow to organs that are not vital for survival. Your body will be vast-constrict due to the fight or flight mode in case you face real danger and to prevent you from bleeding to death if you get cut.
Stress reduces healing blood flow to your skin and shuts down your body’s amazing ability to heal. I have found over the years that starting your day with mindfulness, gratitude, visualisations & affirmations is terrific for both mind and body.
Our Stress Support Pack comes with a full wellness plan to balance your diet and all of your Seven Pillars of Wellness to calm your nervous system and help your mind and body get off the fight or flight habit loop.
Essential fats are also key to calming your nervous system and having dewy skin. Fish oil is the most effective, and our Antarctic Krill Omega-3 Oil is pure and super effective in giving you a youthful glow.
5. Get Your Beauty Sleep
Beauty sleep may be an old cliche, but it has some scientific backing. Sleep allows you to detox from the day you have just had and supports a healthy flow of your essential pathways and organs.
During deep sleep, blood flow is increased to your skin - supporting healing, repair and collagen production, facilitating repair and reducing wrinkles and age spots. Deep sleep also supports growth hormone release, creating new cells that help heal damaged skin cells.
I have the WelleCo Sleep Welle Tea each night (2 tea bags) because I’m not the best sleeper. The tea allows me to get into deep restorative sleep and not spend an hour or so tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep. The Rejuv Bedtime Blend is another great help!
Get The Super Greens Deep Under Your Skin
I can't write about skin health and wellness without mentioning the ingestible supplement I created for Elle Macpherson and WelleCo.
The Super Elixir has 43 ingredients that aid skin healing and support collagen production, giving your skin a desirable healthy glow.
The supplement I initially gave Elle when she came to see me as a client was the Rejuv Super Greens Powder. This complex has 45 ingredients that act on similar pathways to bring about optimum mind-body balance and reduce inflammation - giving your skin a beautiful glow from the inside out.
Let me highlight five ingredients these products have in common and how they benefit your skin.
The Top 5 Super Greens Ingredients For Glowing Skin

1. Alkalising Greens
These nutritional powerhouses balance the acidity in your skin and the alkalinity in your blood. When you've achieved the balance, your skin holds moisture, and your cells function properly, giving you that radiant glow. Balanced and working together add 2 tsp of the Rejuv Super Greens Powder or WelleCo. Super Elixir Greens daily will have all you need to see and feel the change.
2. Silica & Nettle
Silica has long been known to benefit your hair, skin and nails. Nettle promotes healthy liver and digestive function, reducing toxins in the body that would otherwise damage your skin.
3. Medicinal Mushrooms
Shiitake & maitake mushrooms are an excellent overall tonic for the body, from digestive to kidney to immune support. The skin is often called the third kidney, so by caring for the kidneys, you also keep your skin clear and limit dark under-eye circles.
4. Broccoli Sprouts
An incredible antioxidant and therefore acts as a free radical scavenger reducing internal and external ageing.
5. Probiotics & Prebiotics
Both supporting digestion and keeping Candida at bay will significantly reduce sugar cravings and have an excellent effect on acne and overall ageing.
Most patients feel the initial effects within a few days, but it will depend on your current toxic load; some will experience a detox effect immediately.
Therefore, as a guideline, take the Rejuv Super Greens Powder or WelleCo. Super Elixir Greens daily for a whole month to allow any detox reactions to pass before you move into feeling the tremendous health benefits.
The Seven Pillars of Wellness For Holistic Health
To support all systems of your body, I encourage you to take our Free Wellness Quiz. The Quiz will check the balance of your wellness pillars and tell you the top 3 pillars you must focus on for your long-term health and wellness.
When you submit the quiz, we will send you your free Wellness Profile, including a diagram showing your score on each of the Seven Pillars of Wellness. The Wellness Profile also includes practical advice on the three wellness pillars that need your attention.