8 Tips For Metabolism Support & Reset September 08, 2021 Do you need tips for metabolism support? Are you feeling sluggish coming out of holiday mode and trying to find your groove so you can finish the year strong? After...
7 Healing Benefits Of Seawater August 04, 2021 The ocean has many healing benefits for both the mind and body. Seawater stimulates our bodies and promotes the feeling of well-being. This article (originally published on the KORA Organics...
7 tips to avoid a holiday stomach bug or viral infection July 30, 2021 Your digestive and immune systems need your support to avoid a stomach bug or viral infection – whether you choose to stay close to home for a stay-cay or fly...
Gluten-free banana & blueberry bread July 23, 2021 This Banana & Blueberry Bread Recipe evolved from a banana bread recipe I created many years ago to help with my afternoon cravings. Yesterday my daughter Isabella took this recipe to a...
6 Wellness Juice Recipes That Won’t Break Your Fast July 08, 2021 I love to use our Wellness Juice Recipes. When you keep your juice less than 40 calories, you won’t break your fast – if you also choose a lifestyle of...
Aromatic cauliflower & fennel tray bake June 30, 2021 Fibre and B Vitamin-rich cauliflower and Vitamin C-packed fennel gently roasted with a heady blend of digestive spices make this a delicious and super-nutritious veggie dish in its own right...
Do your thoughts make you healthy or sick? June 04, 2021 Your thoughts and emotions directly affect your health. This is why healthy thoughts are essential. We now know from the study of epigenetics and the brilliant work of Dr Bruce...
Observational Study: The Super Elixir (2015) May 24, 2021 In 2015 I conducted The Super Elixir Study. Over eight weeks we tested 50 of my patients before and after taking THE SUPER ELIXIR Greens, across 84 different biomarkers including blood,...
Fasting, Inflammation & Gut-Healing April 16, 2021 I love fasting, and I embraced intermittent fasting from my 20’s at university intuitively. It felt right to listen to my body and eat when I was hungry and choose...
The hunt for good easter chocolate April 02, 2021 Need help negotiating the Easter chocolate minefield? Many of us in and out of lockdown & social distancing still in place. Many are understandably using food as a comfort. Most...
Seasonal Cleanse & Essential Hydration Tips March 27, 2021 Every year as the seasons change we always suggest doing a seasonal cleanse. To make this easier for you can choose from one of our packs which comes with a...
Inflammation & Hormonal Imbalances March 12, 2021 In most cases of hormonal imbalances over my 25-year career, I’ve seen inflammation as the common denominator in my clinical practice and my own personal experience after our infertility issues...
Gluten-Free Muffins Recipe Rejuv Style February 10, 2021 I created this recipe for Gluten-Free Muffins ten years ago when I was home after having three babies in 5 years and wanted a daily healthy treat but didn’t want...
Fertility Support: Balancing Your 7 Pillars Of Wellness January 29, 2021 Fifteen years ago we were told we would never have children and IVF probably wouldn’t work. Just like Brian & Dani McFadden. It was like a bomb of sadness, fear...
Metabolism – Find Your Optimum Fuel Mix January 23, 2021 I grew up a chubby kid with skinny siblings, I was teased a lot due to my excess belly fat, and since I was only a teenager and didn’t know...
10 Herbs & Plants For Natural Body Detox January 12, 2021 Our bodies perform a natural detox by design. That’s what the liver, the colon, and so many other organs and processes are programmed to do. However, in today’s modern world,...
Viral Load & Your Immune System October 15, 2020 Lay the foundation now before winter hits to support your immune system by investing in an Immune Pack. I’ve had all of my patients recover completely from COVID across the...
Liver Cleanse Recovery (Liver Flush, Part 3) September 22, 2020 Liver Flush Recovery and how to move back into everyday life, looking and feeling amazing! It is imperative to start with the Liver Flush, part 1 and 2 to cleanse your liver. The Morning...
8 ways to reset your gut microbiome September 12, 2020 Many people are searching for answers around the gut microbiome. In this blog, I’ll cover how to reset your microbiome and improve your immune system. The digestive system plays a...
Grounding: Get Grounded For Good August 23, 2020 In my recent blog about your immune system, environment & toxic load, I listed 17 ways to reduce your toxic load. Two of the ideas relate to grounding and how you can de-stress...
Lymphatic System Detox: Increase Your Lymph Flow August 20, 2020 Do you need to do a Lymphatic Detox? Are you gaining weight, feeling tired & puffy? Do you have sore joints, increased water retention, cellulite and feeling irritable? Keep reading.
These Whole-Food Supplements Support Your Immune System August 18, 2020 Choose Whole-Food Supplements over cheap synthetic supplements– it’s better for you! High quality, organic & pure whole-food supplements are a way of guaranteeing you get precisely the right ingredients in...
Fertility, Nutrition, Dani Parkinson & Brian McFadden August 18, 2020 We treat a variety of high profile patients and help them navigate their wellness journeys, just like all patients who come to see us at Rejuv Wellness. Over the last...
Liver Flush And Your Detox Emotions August 16, 2020 This week I want to talk to you about the emotional aspect of doing our Rejuv Seasonal Cleanse and liver flush. Because liver flush detox emotions is a real thing....
Release Gallstones (Liver Flush, Part 2) August 14, 2020 I recommend a regular seasonal cleanse, and part of that process is a liver and gallbladder flush to release gallstones. I choose September and January to do these cleanses, for...
Is It You Or Your Hormones? Find Balance! July 20, 2020 Learn how to best take care of your body in order to balance your hormones, and avoid hormonal decline & premature ageing. In the GLOBAL GLOW TALKS SERIES, Julie Katerine, CEO...
10 tips to rebalance your thyroid July 07, 2020 After hitting the wall with my health last month due to increased stress associated with COVID, homeschooling three kids and having to close our clinics temporarily, my stress hormones went...
Love Your Liver, Boost Your Metabolism & Lose Fat June 26, 2020 Are you looking after your liver? As the rules for quarantine are slowly relaxing many are coming out of this season feeling sluggish, bloated, irritable & having gained weight. Inflammation...
Men’s health: body-fat & deficiencies June 17, 2020 Over the last five years in our Rejuv Wellness Clinics, we’ve seen a spike in men’s health conditions mainly driven by inflammation, stress and adrenal fatigue. When we assess your...
Your Immune System, Environment & Toxic Load May 27, 2020 Your Immune System is impacted by your everyday environment and it is key to long term health and optimum wellness. Environment is the third of the Seven Pillars of Wellness and it...
Wholefood protein powder benefits & what to avoid May 18, 2020 Yadira Galarza Cauchi from ADOREBEAUTY recently interviewed Dr Simone for an article about the benefits of quality wholefood protein drinks for your diet and what to avoid when selecting your protein powder....
How To Balance Your Health During Social Isolation April 23, 2020 To balance your health can be tricky during this global pandemic. We all have to stay at home and move through substantial lifestyle changes. And most of us don’t do...
Movement, exercise & social distancing April 02, 2020 Regular movement and exercise is not only great for your heart but can also improve your immune system. Balance is the key, for too little or too much exercise can...
The corona virus & your immune system March 16, 2020 Here is a video with some Corona Virus advice from Dr Simone Laubscher PhD: Boost your immune system, don’t live in fear but be wise. We at Rejuv wanted to...
Health reset retreat saadiyat island UAE January 29, 2020 The Saadiyat Island Health Reset Retreat is another bespoke wellness retreat created by Dr Simoné to reset your health, targeting your gut-brain axis, a vital part to all of our...
Heard of muscle testing (applied kinesiology)? January 19, 2020 Muscle testing is perhaps a lesser-known term for what is professionally referred to as Applied Kinesiology. It’s a noninvasive form of what is considered a healing art or alternative wellness...
Gut-brain reset: remove parasites & fungus December 09, 2019 Why do we need a regular gut-brain reset? There is a labyrinth of around 100 million neurons edging our gut that is so vast some scientists have nicknamed it our “2nd brain”....
How to survive the holiday eating season October 29, 2019 With Christmas just around the corner now is the best time to implement a holiday eating season survival guide. Dr Simoné shares with us her top 5 survival guide tips and the...
Dr Simoné at kardashian poosh party September 25, 2019 Last week I had the honour & joy to represent WelleCo to share the science behind all of our healing formulas at the Poosh party with Kourtney Kardashian in Los Angeles, California....
Rejuv Moon Milk (Recipe) & Other Ideas To Sleep Well August 18, 2019 Rejuv Moon Milk aids sleep if you have it each night before bed. Sleep supports your immune system, preventing illness, disease and premature ageing. Poor quality or limited sleep on a...
You Are Only As Old As Your Telomeres! October 16, 2018 The length of your telomeres determines how fast you age. It is possible to slow this process down to improve your mental and physical health and move you into active...
Do you have poor gut health October 15, 2018 Poor gut health can be fixed. Your gut microbiome is key to your mental and physical health. Here are some simple steps to get your gut back on track. how...
Digestive Health: Rejuv’s Complex Powder October 14, 2018 Based on Dr Simone’s research from her current Master’s Degree she has formulated a new product to promote digestive health and heal your Gut and IBS but also to reduce...
Caffeine effects on exercise and obesity October 13, 2018 Caffeine exercise and obesity. Could adding in a few cups of green tea help with your fat burning & sports performance? Whenever I come across a fellow clinical nutritionist with...
Beat Post Holiday Blues & Finish The Year Strong! October 11, 2018 In this article, Dr Simoné gives you 5 really practical tips of how to beat your post-holiday blues, get into a great routine & boost your ‘happy brain chemicals’ to...
Two Week Digestive System Cleanse October 10, 2018 As the seasons change it is wise to do a digestive system cleanse to give your mind and body the chance to detox from the emotional, physical and environmental stressors...
Metabolic rate & healthy metabolism October 05, 2018 Dr Simoné’s latest blog explains how to determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) & unpacks the science behind metabolic function so you can reach a healthy metabolism and live lean...
Vegan red velvet cupcakes October 04, 2018 Vegan Red Velvet Cupcakes I made with my kids and simply swap out the nasty ingredients for whole-food clean ingredients and my kids love them! The Most Amazing Vegan Red...